Sabbatarian Anabaptists

7th Day observers, adult baptizers, who also keep God's feasts (Lev. 23)

The Annals


In 2005, in working with the year of the Council at Nicea (ca 325 CE) and with Daniel’s seventy weeks prophecy, I realized the significance of 1525 CE, and the modest beginning of the Anabaptist movement, of which my ancestors were parties. And I also realized that the Anabaptist movement stalled out about a century and a half after it began with so much enthusiasm … severe persecution turned enthusiasm into silence, and Anabaptists became a silent folk in several sheepcotes as they sought righteousness without appearing as threats to civil authorities.

The Anabaptist reforms of the 16th-Century were not taken to their logical conclusion. The Annals of Believers’ Baptism picks up where the first reformers left off—and there will be nothing silent in what’s written.